The Mystique
of Papalote® Artisanal Mezcal
Mezcal is known for its mystifying qualities and connection to Mexican ritual and mythology. The heritage of mezcal goes back almost 500 years and is embedded in Mexican tradition and folklore. Our mezcal is a gift bestowed by Mother Nature, grown wild high atop the mountainside in Guerrero, Mexico.
Tres Papalote Cupreata
46% Alcohol Volume
It is distilled from the WILD CUPREATA agave plant and is 100% handcrafted by the Maestro Mezcalero, using a family recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation. This cupreata agave variety offers a smooth taste with a distinguished consistency, producing a rich and lightly smoked mezcal flavor with elegant herbal and citrus notes. The entire process is vigilantly supervised by the Maestro Mezcalero to produce one of the purest spirits in the world—a spirit that delights the palate with its complex and intriguing flavor and mystical experience.
Tres Papalote Espadin
42% Alcohol Volume
This artisanal mezcal is made from the heart of the Espadin Maguey in Oaxaca, Mexico in the grand tradition of this crafted spirit.
Tres Papalote® Mezcal, 100% hand- crafted and artisanally distilled from the Wild Cupreata agave and Espadin Maguey. Tres Papalote® is cultivated by Mother Nature herself; grown wild and can only be found high atop the mountain slopes of Mexico.
Tres Papalote Mexicano
45% Alcohol Volume
The new Tres Papalote expression is a blend of 2 distillations that are cooked, grinded, and distilled at the same time. A combination of 70% Maguey Mexicano and 30% Maguey Espadin. The Maguey Mexicano grows wild in Oaxaca and Puebla and matures in 5-7 years. Maguey Mexicano (Agave rhodacantha) is also known as “dobadaan” in some regions, which is its local name in Zapotec. It is a rare agave and combined with the espadin creates a unique and flavorful tasting experience.
The History
of Mezcal
Mezcal was the first spirit to be distilled in the Americas. During colonial times the Spaniards banned the production of mezcal in order to promote the sale of their imported beverages. And so began the underground production of this illustrious Mexican spirit. After Mexican Independence in the early 1800s, mezcal could at long last be distilled in the open and has continued to this day to be handcrafted by small-scale producers. Those producers who have kept the long tradition of the natural production of mezcal alive are devoted to preserving its artisanal nature. The production of mezcal is a beloved adventure by the Mexican Mezcalero.
The Process
of Tres Papalote® Mezcal Production
Our expert Maestro Mezcalero supervises each part of the Tres Papalote® Mezcal production. His extensive knowledge of the process has been passed on from generation to generation.
The cupreata agave plant can only be found in the mountains, traveling by foot or on donkey, and must reach a specific maturity before it can be cut, which is approximately seven years. Once the agave is brought down from the mountain on carts, the pina (the heart of the plant) is then extracted by the Master Cutter, placed in a large fire pit in the ground and roasted.
When the Maestro determines that the agave is sweet and tender, it is then crushed by a large stone wheel attached to a central axle that is pulled around a circular stone wheel by a horse or a donkey. During this process the sweet sap from the pina is extracted and when the specific consistency is reached, it becomes ready for fermentation.
The agave is then placed in aged wooden barrels, allowing the natural fermentation process to take place. The barrels are carefully guarded so that the proper temperature is maintained.
Following fermentation, the final step is distillation. The liquid is distilled two to three times and during this process it is carefully monitored by the Maestro Mezcalero. He uses a bamboo straw to count the pearls (the little bubbles that rise to the top of the liquid), and carefully checks their size and concentration to determine the alcohol and acidity level with astounding precision. The delicate balance of acidity and alcohol content is what creates the smooth elegant taste of Tres Papalote® Mezcal.
The Bottle
of Tres Papalote® Mezcal
Tres Papalote Cupreata
It was our intention to create an exciting bottle decoration chosen from the renowned Chicano art collection of Cheech Marin. The Cupreata label, known as Papa Agave, was developed by accomplished artist Jaime Zacarias aka Germs. He is known for cleverly stylized Mexican luchador masks, and his incredibly colorful designs. Several of his art pieces reside at The Cheech Chicano Art Museum in Riverside, CA.
Tres Papalote Espadin
The image on the Espadin bottle,known as Koo-Koo Man, comes from a glass sculpture skillfully crafted by the artists Elinar and Jamex De La Torre. The brothers moved from Guadalajara, Mexico to California in 1972.. They are respected in the Chicano art community as innovators in their chosen art form. The figurine on this Tres Papalote®️️ bottle has been inspired by a glass sculpture from Cheech’s art collection and now lives at The Cheech Museum. It embodies the colorful and fun loving sense of freedom which is the essence of the Tres Papalote®️️ Mezcal experience.
Tres Papalote Mexicano
The Mexicano label, our Señor Mexicano, was created by up and coming artist Marcel Alcalá. Marcel works across painting, sculpture and performance in an eccentric style to depict a whole universe of fantasy, allegory, and inquiry. Señor Mexicano’s happy expression fits well with the bright and floral notes of Tres Papalote®️️ Mexicano.